Child Safety & Policies
Listed below are some key Policies for the Steiner Kindergarten and School.
All policies are held in the School Office for all the community to Access.
“We understand that a healthy childhood provides the foundation for ongoing well being in later life.”
General Policies
Admissions and Enrolment Policy.docx
Fee and Fee Collection Policy.docx
Guidelines for Parents and Guardians.docx
Suspension and Expulsion Policy.docx
Communication Grievance and Complaints Policy
Our school welcomes students of any race, religion or ethnic background and is non-denominational. All pupils and belief systems are treated with respect. Through the study of various religious traditions and cultures, it is our intent to imbue students with reverence and wonder for life and nature In our classrooms we explore the community of the world through various cultures and ideologies. The abiding concerns of the great religious traditions – the power of love, the need for compassion, the search for a better way of living and being, the value of community, the cultivation of grace and the knowledge of our unity in creation– these are the concerns of our curriculum and the ethos from which they are taught. They are embedded in every detail. They are not addressed as a separate subject. We cultivate devotion to truth and beauty in all our subjects and we do not conduct Religious Education classes. Our diverse community has a common interest in the insights of Rudolf Steiner, which are but a thread in the rich and expansive tapestry of many great religious traditions. The school does not proselytise for Christianity or for Anthroposophy, nor for any other religious tradition.
-Melbourne Rudolf Steiner School
Child Safe Policies
1. Child Safety Statement and Action Plan
2. Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
2a. Checklist for annual review on Child Safety
2d. Code of conduct in relation to child safety standards
5. Child Protection Reporting Obligations
5. Child Abuse. What is it and what do we do
5c. PROTECT Responding Template Schools
7a. Four Critical Actions_ Child Abuse
7b. Flowchart child safety reporting process
6a. Failure to disclose fact-sheet
6b. Failure to protect fact-sheet
9. Visitor, CRT and New Staff Induction Policy 2017
10. Guide Lines to Physical Contact with Children
“The way children are educated by family, school and society determines so very much about their innate attitudes and their will to act in the world.”
— Ballarat Steiner Kindergarten and School