Our playgroup offers songs, stories and the use of natural materials and simple toys to encourage the child’s imagination. The rhythm of active and quiet play are carefully planned to create a safe and joyous environment that is both enriching and nourishing.
The Importance of Rhythm
Key aspects of our program include a regular secure rhythm and adult work as a model for imitative play. Rhythm helps to create a practicable and secure environment. The young child is held and contained by the security of this rhythm. We use songs, rhymes and actions to indicate that we are approaching the next part of the session. This allows for smooth transitions and minimises a need for verbal instruction. Our rhythm accommodates the need for ‘breathing in’ and ‘breathing out’. The breathing in phase the child is drawing their attention to an activity that relates to themselves; bread making, drawing. Breathing out relates to the surrounding world; free running, playing. There needs to be a balance between each phase. Children also have considerable time outside for play. Our outside play garden is a nourishing and secure environment for the young child.
Rhythm of a Playgroup Session:
Story time
Bread Time
Free play (and craft for adults)
Circle/Shared Meal
Outside Play
Stories are told at playgroup not read, this engages the child’s imagination allowing them to create their own individual pictures. The teller, our playgroup leader, presents the story very simply and slowly allowing the child to enjoy the story themselves. The story also marks the end of the session.
Session Times
The following sessions are currently being offered for Ballarat Steiner School Playgroup for parents with children:
Tuesday 9.30am – 11.30am
Wednesday 9:30am - 11:30am
Thursday 9.30am – 11.30am
For all enquiries please call the office on
(03) 5341 8188