Recommended Reading
You are your child’s first teacher - Rahima Baldwin
Steiner education in theory and practice - Gilbert Childs
Spindrift - A Collection of poems, songs and stories for young children - Jennifer Aulie
Gateways - A Collection of poems, songs and stories for young children - Jennifer Aulie
Education towards freedom - Fran Carlgren et al
Waldorf Education - Christopher Clouder
All year round - a calendar of celebrations - Ann Druitt et al
The Recovery of Man in Childhood - A.C Harwood - Myrin Institute
Rudolf Steiner Education - Frans Calgren
Teaching as a Lively Art - Marjorie Spock
Renewal: A Journal for Waldorf Education - Ronald Koetzsch, ed.
Waldorf Education - A Families Guide - Pam Fenner, ed.
Understanding Waldorf Education: Teaching from the Inside Out - Jack Petrash
Wisdom of Waldorf: Mothering Magazine Reprint - Rahima Baldwin-Dancy
Recommended Reading
Results of Waldorf Reading - Waldorf Publications
Phases of Childhood - Bernard Lievegoed
Towards Wholeness: Steiner Education in America - Mary Richards
School as a Journey - Torin Finser
Steiner/Waldorf Education - David Mitchell
The Millennial Child - Eugene Schwartz
Waldorf Education: Rudolf Steiner’s Ideas in Practice - C. Clouder & M. Rawson